Humanity is a giant DNA game!

There are a lot of money in the pharmaceutic industry right now. And I would guess also in food industry. Why? Because they are experimenting on us. All those chemicals that are in the food these days, it’s only to see which one generates a successful mutation. The byproduct of this experimentation is cancer, when the mutation fails. The successful ones remain unseen. If you think about it, Gattaca and X-Men are not that far-fetched. Which makes it really scary, to know that the X-Men can actually be the next step of evolution. What we need now is somebody to guide us towards the answer, someone to decode the code.

Computers are binary, humans are quaternary systems. Which begs my question: what is we are only a small particle in this infinite dimension that is the universe? What if we are only the “electrons” of somewhat greater we don’t even know exists and that (maybe) does not know we exist. In this case MIB makes sense. Maybe, following the theory behind The Pixar Theory, there are hidden messages and connections in all famous Hollywood movies. Would it be possible to follow those breadcrumbs and maybe reach a hidden story, a story within a story?

So, who wins the evolution game, one who waits, or one who cheats? I would like to be the one who cheats. The fact that nobody won the Human DNA decoding game is because they didn’t get the best programmers or, better, analysts. Decoding the DNA is not a medical problem, it is a hackathon. The problem is that, in order to analyse the final product, you need a lifetime of analysis. If you happen to be human, that is. If there are beings amongst us that are eternal and happen to be very good programmers, they can have a better chance of decoding Human DNA, because they observe a greater gene pool evolve over a longer period of time.

All that I know is that for me it would be fun to “hack” the human DNA if I had access to an infinite database of people, their DNA and their life stories. I think this would be the hack of this century, if I ever pulled this off!

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