Monthly Archives: February 2013


I realized one thing: Google Chrome only updates itself when you shut it down. It never prompts you for an update. So let’s have a challenge: who can keep the longest without updating Google Chrome the regular way? When you are ready to prove it, just comment with a link to a screenshot with the version, your system uptime and the proof that you didn’t turn off updates.

You can, of course, cheat, but why be a douche if there is no prize? Just pride.

We’ve got holes

We are a sad living thing, us humans. When we are young, we are presented with an image of perfection which we are then instructed to achieve. What I was forgotten to be taught was that we are actually all different. I do not need to be as good or better than someone else, because there is no way of comparing two people.

The truth is that we are taught to be a whole, perfect individual. But we are formed from many particles. If even one is missing, we are not that perfect image that we should become. Some struggle to find the missing parts in order to be whole, others accept that they are holed and enjoy life as it should be loved.

I find a funny link between whole and hole. As I see it, a whole is a hole that found its w.

I am now struggling to accept that I don’t have to be that shining image that was induced to me when I was little. To absorb the fact that I am perfect just the way I am, because everybody in this world is perfect. And then learn to be happy and feel fulfilled with who I am right now.

I feel that I am always chasing dreams. With failure, it’s simple. I accept failure and move along. I might linger a bit, but I’ll move along eventually. Success is the hardest, because I don’t rejoice it. I just check the tick-box in front of that dream and jump to the next one. I am now trying to learn to slow down, smell the roses, not worrying about anything in the world. Just be here, in this moment, be happy for what I achieved.

It’s hardest when your wholeness depends on someone else. Because in this case, you need that person to be your W. And that is no longer your decision. Good luck with that.


A corporation is pretty much like high-school. I am so clear about that right now. You can also observe the division into castes: the new kids, the cool geeks, the popular guys, the lame geeks, the hipsters, the naughty guys etc. I actually even wonder if people’s behavior ever gets past high-schoolish levels. Throughout life I see almost the same division as it was in high-school.

Human beings feel the need to divide, to reduce everything to an explainable form. And there are the ones who embrace the unexplained and try to make sense of it, and the ones that fear the unexplained and try to destroy it or enslave it in order to feel powerful and in control again.

Life is all about balance. Just as the physics law of action and reaction, throw someone off balance and he will try to get back to the previous state with all his will. And even when someone throws himself into the unknown abyss, there is an invisible force that tries to pull him back to the old ways. If he falls prey to it and is lifted back to safety, he will become one of the many we know as “Feel Good, Inc.” They are happy with what they have and fear that change will bring them unhappiness.

The ones that fight the invisible “Feel Good” force and keep falling into the abyss are faced with two options: “Feel Great Every Day, Inc.” or “OMG, I wish I were dead right now, Inc.”. Int’s a matter of choice, actually, of adjusting one’s lens to fit the road you are travelling on or the one you wish to be travelling on.

I gazed into the abyss, got mesmerized by it and threw myself in it with all my might. I am feeling the “Good” force creeping onto me, but I am fighting it fiercely. I think I am winning, too. So, right now, I find myself still floating through the abyss, I haven’t reached any f”all-signs” yet, but I wish that when put in front of The Choice, I would choose the “Feel Great Every Day” exit.

Here’s to hoping!